Green Chile Smashed Cheeseburger

There are many things you can make with a humble package of ground beef. But none is more delectable and seductive than the flavor bomb known as the green chile smashed cheeseburger. Cheese and chile are a powerful duo and have been known to topple kingdoms. Is this true? Probably not, but it’s my blog and I can do what I want. Follow me and I’ll tell you why this burger in particular is greater than the sum of its parts.

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The Green Chile Smashed Cheeseburger in all its glory!

Green Chile Smashed Cheeseburger vs. a Conventional Burger

We’ve eaten a lot of burgers in our lifetime. And honestly, they’ve all been pretty okay. At its worst, a burger is a bland meat patty with a subpar slice of cheese, on some stale bread. At its best, it’s a work of art. A tower of great grilled beef and a layer of oozy cheese (if you’re into that sort of thing, which I am), stacked on a soft, freshly toasted bun. Can I get a round of applause for the Green Chile Smashed Cheeseburger?!

I used to gravitate towards a thick and juicy burger. And if one were sitting in front of me right now, I would devour it without question. But, given the choice between that and a glorious, mouthwatering smashed burger, you know what I’m going to say. When the beef hits the flat top and turns the surface a crispy mahogany brown I know I’m in for a treat

Toast Your Buns

I feel like little attention is paid to the bun. Even though it is the foundation of the sandwich and literally the hopes and dreams of burger success sit squarely (or roundly) on its soft squishy shoulders. I know it’s not for everyone, but I highly recommend a homemade bun.

Pictured in this post is the Brioche Burger Bun featured on King Arthur’s webpage. It’s a bit of work and planning, but the payoff is tremendous. The recipe is enriched with lots of eggs and butter and requires a lengthy and vigorous amount of mixing. But it yields a delicious flavor and a sturdy texture. Toast the buns with a layer of butter to drive home that rich flavor and create a crispy texture that won’t disintegrate under layers of fatty juices, warm green chile and various condiments.

Green Chile Matters

Green Chile is a topic near and dear to my heart. Hatch is right down the road and Hatch Green Chile has become synonymous with the delicious verdant warmth associated with the country’s favorite pepper. Warmer than a poblano, yet not as hot as an jalapeño, Hatch Green Chile falls somewhere in between. It contains just enough heat to make your brow sweat, but does not sacrifice flavor. Its culinary qualities are distinct and worth the effort to seek it out. If you are not a local, check out this site for ordering Hatch Green Chile. It will arrive cleaned, chopped (if you like) and frozen in 1 lb packages. And it is the real deal!

Cheese Please

Cheese options are varied and surprisingly polarizing among foodies. In my humble opinion though, nothing beats a thick slice of American Cheese on a burger, especially this burger. You might flinch at the mention of this processed staple. But it melts better than most, has a creamy texture that works well on a burger and possesses a mild cheese flavor that does not detract from the beef or the chile. It can sit in the background and let everything else take the lead. A character actor that you’re surprised, but happy to see, when he or she shows up in a movie.

Green Chile Smashed Cheeseburger

Course Main Course
Servings 4 double patty burgers


  • flat top grill or cast iron pan
  • large flat spatula or weighted press


  • 2 lbs 80/20 ground beef
  • 8 oz hot Hatch green chile (roasted, cleaned & chopped)
  • 8 slices cheese of your choice (we highly recommend American for it's meltability)
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • AlbuKirky Seasonings Green Chile Rub


  • Weigh out the ground beef into 4oz portions and form into balls. Place in a pan and cover with foil until ready to grill. Sit aside. There's no need to pre-season.
  • Separate the hamburger bun halves and spread the inside of each half with butter. Toast the insides of each bun in a hot pan or griddle until golden brown.
  • Heat the green chile in a small sauce pan and keep warm until the burgers are ready. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the pan periodically to maintain a spoonable consistency.
  • Heat a flat top grill or a cast iron skillet over high heat. Place two balls of the prepared ground beef on the surface. Let them sit undisturbed for 10-20 seconds. The slight browning of the meat at this stage will prevent the meat from sticking to the spatula during the initial smash.
  • Gently roll the balls over so the slightly browned side is facing up. Using firm pressure, smash each patty into the surface of the flat top or the pan using a spatula or weighted press. Hold for a few seconds before removing.
  • Season with a light sprinkling of AlbuKirky Seasonings Green Chile Rub.
  • Let patties sear for 2-3 minutes.
  • Using a spatula with a thin edge, carefully work the spatula between each patty and the cook surface, and flip. Cook another 2 minutes. Once again lightly pressing for a few seconds.
  • Place a slice of cheese on top of one patty. Then stack the other patty on top of the cheese. Add a couple of tablespoons of the green chile, then top with a second slice of cheese. Squirt about a tablespoon of water near the base of the stacked patties and cover with a metal lid. The water will create steam and help the cheese melt quickly. Lift the lid to reveal your masterpiece.
  • Remove the double stacked patties to a pan and cover with foil to keep warm.
  • Assemble burgers as desired.
Pair this Green Chile Smashed Burger with our recipe for Cold Oil Fries!
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Cold Oil Fries is the perfect side to pair with this towering stack of meat and cheese. We featured this no fuss, no muss technique last month and couldn’t stop thinking abut them. So a batch of these crispy fried potatoes were destined to show up next to these burgers. Treat your family and friends to this delightful duo and they may never leave your backyard!

Stock up on our rubs and sauces at and keep up with what we’re cooking on our Facebook and Instagram pages. See you next time!

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